
OneLedger AMA recap and 2022 Roadmap

Written by OneLedger | Nov 12, 2021 5:08:22 PM

We continue on our journey to build out the structure of our OneSwap project. 


Starting with:

Mainnet v0.18.11 release with features

EVM support

Validators max count increased to 64

Staking decreased to 0.5M OLT


Our next step was to enable web3 

New Mainnet Explorer with web3 enabled

Web3 developers have chosen to build dapps because of Ethereum's inherent decentralization:

Anyone who is on the network has permission to use the service – or in other words, permission isn't required.

No one can block you or deny you access to the service.

Payments are built in via the native token, ether (ETH).

Ethereum is turing-complete, meaning you can pretty much program anything.


We had to include a connector to wallets and dApps - 

Mainnet has enabled metamask wallet

Txns between Onewallet(0lt) and Metamask(0x)


Our next task was to bring it all together on our own platform with the launch of the Syndicated ETH Bridge 

Oneledger <> Ethereum bridge

Our next step is to increase the number of users and the volume across the platform. 

NFTs will continue to grow and be a critical asset management tool - we have built out Real Estate platforms and will expand the NFT portfolio by partnering with marketplaces for NFTs. 

We have started the preparatory work  for NFT Marketplace integration with World token and will announce it accordingly.

As we build out our DeFi we have to add the largest ERC20 swapping protocols 

Consequently in Q4 we will be adding Liquidity on UniSwap: This will allow sOLT to provide a Liquidity on UniSwap for the community to trade on the platform with sOLT/USDT trading pair. 


We will continue to provide opportunities to earn income from staking as well as passive income, by giving you more choices directly from our platform.  

In Q4 we will integrate our Syndicated Bridge with Binance and Matic: OneLedgerians will have an opportunity to transfer sOLT tokens between multiple chains

Also in Q4 to further expand the platform choices by completing Pancake, QuickSwap Integration

In 2022, our goal will be to energize these deployments to build adoption and expand utility. To this end we will be expanding the marketing team to focus on this specific niche. 

Q1 of 22 will also see us implement a Token Liquidity pool module. This Liquidity pool will enable users to buy and sell on decentralized exchanges and other DeFi platforms without the need for centralized market makers. 

Q1 22, will also see an independent DEX Integration on OneLedger - this will provide more immediate liquidity, a faster trajectory to trading, and lower listing costs.

As we develop the opportunity to earn great APY, we anticipate users will require greater liquidity to take on opportunities that present themselves. Our next development in Q2, of 22 - will be the addition of a community managed Lending Platform.  



    1. OnePass: As we continue to work with partners who whitelabel the OnePass+ we have started to look at the evolution of the product. The question we ask is what does OnePass+ look like post pandemic. The answer is a global DeFi Medical Record platform. To this end we have engaged partners in this space and discussion with our technical and product development teams are ongoing. 
    2. OneSwap: OneSwap is not a single DEX; it is an ecosystem that is supported by multiple elements. The end goal of the OneSwap protocol is to offer all of our community - the robust easy to use platform they are accustomed to in an interoperable framework as per our original intention. Multiple DEX options, seamless NFT creation and marketplace management, Liquidity Pools for selected tokens, Borrow or Lend to increase earning potential by rules that you set. All done from a single platform with consummate ease. 
    3. Marketing: We will continue to add talent to the marketing space and work with third parties of specific projects. Always looking for great talent in this space. 
    4. Development team: We are hiring - we are adding additional talent in Front end - Full Stack and Backend. 
    5. Sales: We are hiring -  we are seeking out experience in the Crypto and Blockchain product space. 
    6. Chainlink - Our technical team and Chainlink technical team are under discussion for an integration.