
Development Update

Written by Sahir Parmar | Jan 27, 2020 5:23:29 PM


In this sprint, we concentrated on enabling Domain Management to have Sub Domains, Expiry Dates and Renewals at the

protocol level, enhanced our SDK and RPC to support interoperability Tx, started the Ledger POC and continued working on the Security Audit.

The list of changes includes:

1. Protocol

- Lynx:

  • ERC20 Lock and Redeem

- Protocol Core:

  • RPC and SDK Lock and Redeem relay

  • Staking Design Completed

  • Governance Design Completed

  • Add expiration to Domain Management Structure

2. Ledger

  • POC for running an app on the Ledger Device

3. OneWallet 2.0

  • Domain Management Buy and Renew Tx

Please note: OneWallet v2.0.0 is still a work in progress and will not be released until the HD Wallet functionality is complete with interoperability.


In the next sprint, we will continue working on the Ledger Integration, Security Audit and work on Blockchain EDI Translator.