
Newsletter 13 — Biweekly updates 📣📣

Written by OneLedger | Feb 17, 2019 7:16:00 PM


Hello OneLedger Community,

Through this newsletter, we would like to provide you with an update regarding the following departments: Development, and Marketing and Community.

1. The v0.8.3 version of Chronos has been released. After much anticipation, the desktop-friendly OneExplorer BETA version is now available, click hereto test it. The explorer has the capability to view Accounts, Blocks and Transactions on a full web view. We are currently working towards a mobile view and will also be looking to add a Contract view and also expose Swapsin the future.​

To be a part of this BETA and provide valuable feedback/suggestions, fill this FORM.

More details: click here

2. The OneLedger Developer Meet-Up took place on February 13, 2019, in Toronto. Despite the cold stormy weather, we had a great event. Stay tuned for more information regarding the event.

1. Would you like to know what the OneLedger Product Manager does? Watch the video to get a glimpse of what are some of the duties involved, click here.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch all the latest videos.