
Newsletter 6— Development, Marketing & Partnership Updates📣📣

Written by OneLedger | Oct 27, 2018 4:25:00 PM

Hello OneLedger Community,

Through this newsletter, we would like to provide you with an update regarding the following departments: Development, Marketing & Community, and Partnerships.

We’ve released the v0.6.1 version of our OneLedger protocol. For this version, we have rebuilt the underlying serialization code to support polymorphic handling of chains and transactions as well as performed some code cleanup.​
More details: click here

Our team is focussing deeply on preparing for the Testnet launch scheduled for the end of the year. This is an important event for OneLedger, and it will lay the foundation for future developments. With this in mind, we are hiring and creating community awareness accordingly.

We would like to share the most recent updates with our community:

Aly Kassam is the latest addition to the OneLedger team. He will be working as the Product Manager at OneLedger. Aly brings with him a tremendous amount of experience in software development, and building products from start to finish. He has over 10 years of experience in implementing enterprise solutions for companies like Freckle IoT, Oracle, CrossCap etc. Having completed his degrees in Computer Science and Business, Aly is well-versed in striking a perfect balance between technology and business.

“From the beginning of my career, I’ve always been fascinated with solving the most complex of problems. At OneLedger, I have an opportunity to help shape an industry for one of the most complex and disruptive technologies to date, with a team determined to succeed”, said Aly.

We are very confident in Aly’s capabilities and strongly believe that he will help accelerate the growth at OneLedger in terms of product development.

2. GWEI Network recently launched an OLT Incentive Lock-up Program. To participate in the program and make yourself eligible for some cool bonuses, kindly follow the instructions listed (click here)

3. Recently, we have heard a lot of incorrect news about the OneLedger Tokens (OLT). Please read the blog for clarity over some of those topics (click here)

4. Our Founder, David Cao, was present at the CCPAA NPO 10th anniversary conference last week. The topic of the day — “Blockchain: changing the world”. He discussed business use cases and the future perspectives of the blockchain technology.

5. OneLedger is now active on BitcoinTalk (click here)

6. OneLedger is now active on Altcoins Talks (click here)

OneLedger x Dispatch
We are proud to announce that a strategic partnership has been formed between OneLedger and Dispatch.

Dispatch is building the first truly enterprise-ready platform for distributed applications that are data-centric, scalable, and wedded to powerful analytics.​ More details: click here