We were excited to hold this AMA session on Twitter Spaces! Thanks to all participants and our fantastic community for your questions!

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts:
- Questions from the Telegram chat https://t.me/oneledger
- Questions from our Twitter https://twitter.com/OneLedgerTech
- Live question
You can listen to it here: https://twitter.com/OneLedgerTech/status/1586019831664365568 or read the short RECAP in text mode below. Please note, that questions have not been redacted.
The best questions got $10 in OLT tokens each.
Telegram questions by:
- @EnterOLT
- @Vad_Bil
- Garron Akushie
- @BenilloVi
- @Nadzcrypto
Twitter and LIVE questions by:
Please join https://t.me/oneledger and send the proof of ownership and your OLT address to claim $10 reward in OLT tokens.
Telegram questions
Q: What's happened to the Metaverse and NFTs that were supposed to come at the end of this year?
A: NFTs trading volume has declined by over 90% after peaking in January. We have therefore not continued on the development as a hot item. We have all the infrastructure to support it, but it has cooled off considerably - since last year. We will be actually using this functionality to tokenize assets for a major client.
Q: We've been hearing from you about all these 'passive income' 'staking' opportunities that were coming soon to $OLT but in the roadmap, it's not really mentioned hardly at all?
A: Passive income links and updates:
- OKC. https://medium.com/@Moonba/moonbaswap-introduces-new-cross-chain-opportunities-with-okc-okx-chain-f05353fabea1
- Orion Protocol. Once this is complete, we will connect ORN rewards to the pool and kick off our marketing campaign.
- WeFund - Investment opportunities in new qualified projects.
- New project related to mining and precious metals
Q: What is the update on CBDC from emtech till now? Want to know the progress they have made till now. Was surprised not to see any update about CBDC progress in the new roadmap?
A: The ISO process is not a simple or inexpensive series of tasks. We are painstakingly working with EMTECH to reorganise each aspect of our business to conform to the ISO process. This is ongoing.
With respect to CBDC we have found a partner who has regulatory approval for digital financial instruments in several countries. With them, we are going to build a functional stablecoin - that will have all the characteristics of a regulated CBDC.
Q: When will you update the website?
A: Website - we are looking at this with our partners. We are making some changes with respect to product offering. Thus when we finalise that, we will complete the website redesign.
Q:What are the news with cygnet
A: We are engaging clients with Cygnet.
Q: When will dark mode come to onewallet ?
A: Soon
Q: Will there be monthly tech update articles in the future?
A: Bi-Monthly tech updates - yes we can commit to that.
Q: New roadmap does not say anything about CBDC, the possibility to stake, metaverse. But completely new points. Hard to keep up with what is current and what disappears over time without any updates. ”confused investor again”
A: Let me apologise for any confusion. The new roadmap speaks to the expansion of our infrastructure to better support; CBDCs, and the attendant regulation that will come with it. It speaks to an easier process for the development and editing of smart contracts; it also speaks to a more robust and flexible NFT platform. Where asset tokenization allows for the break up of that token, while maintaining an aspect of the original certification - like batches being made from a whole and constantly broken down. We have also looked at high levels of audit controls and traceability in NFT - asset tokenization.
We will add the Metaverse (VR) functionality to an Eco-adventure platform - and it is all supported by the developments and upgrades we are making on the platform.
Q: Can you tell me when top-tier exchange listings will come?
A: This is an ongoing day-to-day aspect of our business, but we are restricted from commenting on exchange listings.
Q: We are expecting CBDC since this year's beginning and nothing has mentioned about the same in this roadmap.. strange? What's the update on CBDC? What happened?
A: CBDC’s is based on each country's risk profile and digital currency goals. Since its inception, there are only 3 active installations in the world. This is a long-term investment and a long-term plan for when the world has better adoption. I made some comments earlier on this…
Q: I really like OLT but it looks old, I mean website is not updated (still old CMO and others?!?, roadmap etc…) Why not hire a web designer?!? and also we still got data from June 2021? It’s not anymore the fastest in circulation. Can you please prioritise the website? It has to be more attractive and updated more often 🔥 thanks p.s. still holding strong 💪🏻
A: Thank you - we have started the process. See some earlier comments on this
Twitter Questions
Q: How do you feel about having communities across the globe to aid growth?
A: We are very excited by this and plan for a multi-lingual push.
Q: OneLedger’s mission is to simplify businesses adoption of blockchain, one of the reasons that hold back businesses is that they have to give detailed reports to governments about their incomes and outcomes. Would that be possible to a business that uses OneLedger?
A: Of course - every transaction is captured (as you know) there is no better audit feature than blockchain.
Q: What kind of partnerships with different projects/platforms/protocols can we expect from @OneLedgerTech in the future? Could you give us some examples of how other projects can leverage @OneLedgerTech?
A: We are a blockchain platform - essentially any industry that requires robust verification, tracking or fixed rules for transactions can use our platform.
We are working to simplify escrow in the Real Estate industry, we are working to establish clear rules for NIL in healthcare, with compensation for the use of data. We are working to deliver providence in asset delivery - verifying each step of the supply chain. The possibilities are endless.
Q: I have never had the opportunity to hear the Founder. So, my question is … Can we have an AMA with David Cao in the near future?
A: I am sure that can be arranged.
Q: OneLedger is a project focused on corporate solutions. So it can cooperate with big brands. What can you say about your partnership agreements? What awaits OneLedger supporters in the future?
A: Partnership agreements are the lifeblood of all crypto-based projects. We are constantly engaging globally for good partnership fits.
- Passive income (vaults)
- Increased income without negative price pressure for OLT
- Ecosystem with over $3B in transactions coming in 2023-4 in the EU and the US
Q: When the price seriously DUMPs, projects can lose their community. What is your plan to make a product-oriented community @OneLedgerTech that supports long-term?
A: We have a product that is superior to most others. As we onboard more partners and clients - it is inevitable that this project will have parabolic growth. Those who stay with us will be the beneficiaries of that.
Q: How much amount will I hold to change my life in your project?
A: At least twenty-million tokens
Q: Which Dex should I use to stake my olt?
A: You should use MoonbaSwap which will launch in the near future - that is our partner Dex.
Currently supported providers:
OneLedger -> Moonbaswap
Ethereum - > Uniswap V2
BSC -> Pancakeswap
Polygon -> Quickswap
Q: What is OLT's first future plan? And how much i must hold the $olt token to be a validator?
A: The first plan is to expand the updated ecosystem to attract more projects and developers.
To be a Validator 0.5M-3M tokens.
Q: OLVM allows for easy interpretation of smart contracts running with low data across our network. E.g. OneLedger $0.00000043 VS ETH $4.0. Are you trying to say there will be minimal charges while signing a contract in the Ethereum chain?
A: YES - we are the lowest trading price in the market!
Q: My name is Bogdan @BBa1333 and I would like to know from the team what is the process of having blockchain implementation on other businesses outside the crypto space? For example George mentioned the medical field (medical records or vaccin passport). My example will be Real Estate.
Beside my curiosity it will be great if we can have a few words on that topic, this way it may attract new projects.
A: We are a blockchain platform - essentially any industry that requires robust verification, tracking or fixed rules for transactions can use our platform.
We are working to simplify escrow in the Real Estate industry, we are working to establish clear rules for NIL in healthcare, with compensation for the use of data. We are working to deliver providence in asset delivery - verifying each step of the supply chain. The possibilities are endless.
Q: During these days, being a Multi-chain platform is an obligation to be considered a competitive project, so can you explain how many chains are you able to support?
A: Currently supported providers:
OneLedger -> Moonbaswap
Ethereum - > Uniswap V2
BSC -> Pancakeswap
Polygon -> Quickswap