Hello Ledgerians,
This Development Update consists of Release Notes from Sprint 11, 12 and 13. Please note, all the developments mentioned here are for the Chronos Testnet of the OneLedger blockchain.
During these sprints, we concentrated on completing all the Protocol Security Audit Bugs and being Feature Complete for the OneWallet 2.0.
Core Protocol
Governance Proposal Transactions
Validator Voting, Rejecting and Accepting Proposal Logic
Completed Validator Staking:
- The OneLedger Blockchain will assign a fixed number of Validators, the Validators that have staked the most amount will be eligible for Block Rewards. If a Validator is slashed and another node in the Validator list has more OLT staked, then they will automatically start receiving the Block Rewards- Validator Staking requires a minimum of 3M OLT to be staked, but as stated above, you may have competition -
Block Rewards (In Testing)
Block Rewards provides Validators with an incentive over the first 5 years to earn OLT to manage a node
Block Rewards Distribution (out of 25% total OLT supply) is as follows: 7%, 7%, 4%, 4% and 3% over the 5 year period. These rewards will be distributed amongst the Validators (*Conditions apply). For further details, read the Tokenomics paper.
OneWallet 2.3.0
- Created new Dapp Framework using REACT under the OneWallet Ecosystem
- Created Decentralized Signing infrastructure for Dapp Integrations, similar to Web3JS
- Created the OneExplorer as the first OneWallet Dapp
- Account History Paging
- Cleanup Account History for Domain Transactions so that the values appear
OneExplorer - Domain Transparency
- Account History now has Paging
- OneExplorer Search bar can now Search for Domains and Subdomains
- Update for Domain Management and Subdomains on the OneExplorer
- View all Domain and Subdomain Transactions on the OneExplorer

Governance Proposal Dapp- Allows users to Create a Proposal and Vote for a Proposal on the OneLedger Blockchain

- Validator Calculator
- As we are on the verge of Validator Staking, we have created a simple Dapp which shows the Revenue that can be earned over the next 5 years as a Validator
Charity Dapps- Charities have been added to our Ecosystem, and we have created our first Charity Dapp which you can donate to, right from the OneWallet

In the next release, for the Protocol we will continue working on testing Block Rewards, Staking, Penalties and Delegation. For the OneWallet, we will be focussing on bug fixes for the Dapps and possibly rearranging some of the UI. For the OneExplorer, there are a few bug fixes with the Domain functionality we will look at. The majority of the work will go into the New Health Passport initiative the OneLedger team is working on, which includes a Mobile App for end-users and a Web interface for Healthcare and Border Patrol Agents.