Kratos Tutorial - How to get OLT To Stake

Posted by OneLedger on Apr 2, 2021 12:34:52 PM



Have a full node running (Please check “Kratos Tutorial - Running A Fullnode”)

⚠️ In this document we will assume that there are less than 16 validators in the network, so a minimal staking amount of 3 Million will be enough.


Add an account to the fullnode



⚠️ ALL COMMANDS in the rest of this document will need to be running under this directory by default, if you prefer otherwise, please add --root $OLDATA to the command arguments.


sudo olclient account add --name "your preferred name for memorisation"


then input the password to protect the account




sudo olclient account add --name "your preferred name for memorisation" --password "YourPassword"


Show all your accounts on the node

sudo olclient list

And you should see result similar to below:



Accounts from Secure Wallet:

Address: YourAccountAddressWith0ltPrefix    Balance: 0 OLT



Prepare enough OLT for staking


This can be done through Kratos Wallet extension. Click here to access the extension.


  1. Create an account on Kratos Wallet extension

  2. Mint some OLT

    ⚠️You may need to mint multiple times to reach a target amount, since each time the mint limit is 0.5 Million OLT, and be aware there is a 1-minute waiting time between every 2 mints.

  3. Send at least 3 Million OLT to the previous created account


⚠️ Since there is a transaction fee for each transaction, make sure to send more than 3 Million OLT in your account to successfully follow the steps.



After this, the result of sudo olclient list on your full node, it should look like this before we move to next section:



Accounts from Secure Wallet:

Address: YourAccountAddressWith0ltPrefix    Balance: 3000001 OLT