We continue to improve and develop version 0.5.3 (click here), focusing on the OLT hash-lock mechanism. On this basis, the next step will be to improve the underlying mechanism of OneLedger, including time-locking, multi-signature transactions, etc., which altogether will achieve atomic swap between Bitcoin/Ethereum and OLT.
Smart Contract Virtual Machine Module: Completed the technical selection and the internal document design of the virtual machine, and began the development of the prototype version of the virtual machine.
- Full-node containerization enhancements: Since the MVP focuses on illustrating the Bitcoin and Ethereum atomic swap driven by OneLedger, our docker container includes a complete Bitcoin test chain, Ethereum test chain, and OneLedger test chain. We are developing a single OneLedger full-node container to initiate node access for testnet, whenever individuals and partners want to launch a OneLedger node.
- Transaction-driven long-run computation mechanism: We adopted a mechanism in MVP to implement a transaction-driven long-run computation, but we found that this mechanism has a limitation in scalability for computation that needs to span multiple blocks. So we have redesigned the mechanism over the past two weeks and are developing it.
- Development Team: Our dev team is putting in a lot of effort in interviewing and recruiting Blockchain Engineers.
If you would like to understand more about atomic swap, you can read this article: click here
If there are any questions, issues or suggestions, please report them to the @oneledgerdev Telegram group or add an issue directly to the Oneledger/protocol GitHub.com repository.