We are proudly announcing the new listing on Uniswap! This will allow sOLT to provide Liquidity on UniSwap for the community to trade on the platform with sOLT/USDT trading pair.
Official Contract address (please always check as there are scammers out there):
Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0x1a4b5bf50e1efd384179c4a1277a3114e5ddcbd6
Pair address: https://etherscan.io/address/0x1a4b5bf50e1efd384179c4a1277a3114e5ddcbd6
Add Liquidity:
Official Syndicate Bridge Token List: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Oneledger/syndicate-token-list/master/syndicate.token-list.json
We have a lot to share with you other the coming weeks and months so please make sure you follow all our official channels to stay up to date.
🚫 Safety in general
❗Please Beware of scammers and fake addresses❗
❗OneLedger team will NEVER DM you ever about anything!
⚠️ Always check the $sOLT contract address. Please check our official groups for the contract address — no group OTHER than Telegram Chat & Telegram Ann on Telegram will have the correct contract address — please do not get scammed!
⚠️ Disclaimer Everything related to $OLT tokens, smart contracts and their addresses will be only available on official channels. OneLedger team members will NEVER DM you ever about anything. Please be careful. ⚠️