In this sprint we have concentrated on oneswap protocol (add EVM, add a TX for smart
contract processing), Explorer UI revamp (top validator and delegators list).
OneWallet UI Enhancements
● Chrome version of the wallet can't get the latest smart contact address
● Top Validator list api
● Top Delegator list api
● Prerequisite: Implement design of protocol layer for the OneSwap
● PoC of EVM
● Add gas left refund for fee calculation for the evm
● Create API endpoint for smart-contract
● Implement a transaction for processing and storing smart-contract
● Spike for smart contract logs
● Implement a service to read the data inside a contract
● Add balance and nonce store
● Add tests related to the smart contract with solidity opcodes
● Add gas estimation RPC
● Add RPC for logs
Oneswap Website
● OneSwap - Web: Create Basic Sketches
● Create a boilerplate app for oneswap and connect it to chrome extension
International Health Passport(IHP)
Mobile APP
● Fixed bug on Share button which does not work as expected.
In the next sprint we are going to work on OneSwap Implementation.