OneLedger, a Blockchain for Business, is proud to join IBM PartnerWorld. IBM is a...
Hello Ledgerians, Do you think you know OneLedger well enough? Have you read our...
In this sprint, we concentrated on completing all the Protocol Security Audit Bugs and...
Hello Ledgerians, Many of you may have a question: What is OneLedger? Let's summarize,...
In this sprint, we concentrated on completing all the Protocol Security Audit Bugs and...
Hello Ledgerians, We are launching the Beta 2.0 version of OneWallet on April 2, 2020,...
In this sprint, we concentrated on Security Audit Bug Fixes, OneWallet UI Changes and...
Hello Ledgerians, Bugs, Develop, Fixes, Updates, Build, Test... These are the only...
In this sprint, we concentrated on Security Audit Bug Fixes, Ledger BOLOs App and...
Hello Ledgerians, The last couple of months have been very intense in terms of...
In this sprint, we concentrated on Security Audit Bug Fixes, Bitcoin and Ethereum...