August, 14 2020 in GENERAL, ALL
OneLedger - The Journey!

For some, their foray into the Blockchain world began as an experiment. For others, it...

August, 4 2020 in TECH, ALL
Validator Staking (Chronos Testnet) & Rewards

Another day, another milestone achieved. This time we have launched the Validator Staking...

August, 4 2020 in TECH, ALL
Chronos Tutorial - Validator Staking

This tutorial will provide key information about becoming a Validator on the Chronos...

August, 4 2020 in TECH, ALL
Chronos Tutorial - How to get OLT To Stake

Pre-requisites Have a full node running (Please check “Chronos Tutorial - Running A...

August, 4 2020 in TECH, ALL
Chronos Tutorial - Running A Fullnode

There are 3 ways to set up OneLedger Chronos Full Node: GCP Marketplace Image Docker...

July, 29 2020 in GENERAL, ALL
OneLedger - A Game Changer!!

The blockchain journey started back in 2009 with the creation of the first...

July, 23 2020 in TECH, ALL
Development Update

Hello Ledgerians, This Development Update consists of Release Notes from Sprint...

July, 15 2020 in GENERAL, ALL
OneLedger 与去中心化金融 (Chinese version)

概述 随着去中心化金融 (DeFi) 成为一个热门话题,OneLedger 的产品与这个新定义的 DeFi 领域之间的关系也备受关注。

July, 13 2020 in TECH, GENERAL, ALL
OneLedger in DeFi

Overview As Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has become a hot topic, there have been...

July, 10 2020 in GENERAL, ALL
OneLedger AMA Recap

Hello Ledgerians, We recently held an AMA. This was the first time our new appointed...

July, 6 2020 in TEAM, ALL
Meet George Connolly, the OneLedger President.

The OneLedger team has onboarded a new President. Kindly welcome George Connolly.

June, 24 2020 in GENERAL, ALL
Register Subdomain and get $ETH

Hello Ledgerians, For those of you who have been holding tight onto your $OLT,...